Integration of Power BI Visualization to Dynamics 365 Charts

In the previous article, we explained how to perform the integration of Power BI visualization to Dynamics Portal Charts. In this article, we keep on handling the integration of Power Bi to Dynamics 365.

Data visualization is very crucial when it comes to loads of information. Usually, the most effective way is to represent it through different visualizations as it affects comprehension, memorization, and assimilation.

Frankly, there are many reasons for integration, like restricting standard functionalities of Dynamics 365, the leanness of the existing tools, and incomplete and boring data representation.

All mentioned above can be easily fixed and refreshed. The integration of Power BI to Dynamics 365 is a solution.



Check Out How Simple It Is

Open and log in with your Dynamics 365 credentials.

In Power BI, click Get Data in the bottom left corner to connect to your Dynamics 365 for the first time. In Power BI app explorer, find the right application for your Dynamics 365 and click Get it Now. Click Try for free and proceed; there is no need to activate your subscription. Now, select Install your app, choose the new Workspace name, and wait until the app is installed.

After the app is installed, click Go and select Connect your data. You will see the window where you need to specify the data source for your Power BI. To get the URL for your Dynamics 365, go to Settings - Customizations - Developer Resources and copy your whole Service Root URL.

Get back to your Power BI and paste your URL from Dynamics 365. Do not change the parameters and click Next. Select the authentication method and click Sign in. Choose your Dynamics 365 account and wait until it is connected.

Now you can create Power BI dashboards in the Dynamics app. Go to your Dynamics 365 Dashboards - New - Power BI Dashboard. Select the right Workspace and Dashboard - click Save. The dashboard will appear in your Dynamics app. You may also click on the Dashboard and create reports instantly or open it in Power BI and continue there.

Follow these simple steps to integrate Power BI visualization into Dynamics 365. If some points have remained unclear or you need additional information, you can always contact us.

We have got a lot to share. Stay tuned!