The Most Useful Features Successfully Implemented

Dynamics 365 is essential when leaning towards a structured and flawless work process. However, basic CRM is not designed to cover some particular needs, and few impracticalities occur. Sometimes, they might be a stonewall.

In UDS Systems, the company specializes in Dynamics 365 and PowerApps development, we are proud of our specialists, whose years of expertise have brought positive results to our clients’ businesses. We plan to keep pace and repeatedly prove that we arrive at the best solutions in customization based on a personalized approach.

In this article, we would like to share a couple of our best achievements in 2019.

Here are the most useful features that we have implemented

  • Generation of PDF documents based on Word Templates
  • Parsing of the invoice scans
  • Integration of Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Web API
  • Two-side synchronization Jira and DevOps

Generation of PDF document based on Word Template

Generating PDF documents in previous Dynamics 365 versions was a nightmare. We know that pain and have created functionality for the PDF document generation based on Word Templates. Now, it allows easily creating of invoices, agreements, and other needed documents based on Word files. It only remains to create a Template in the Word document.

Parsing of the invoices scans

We hope our clients forgot that time when they used to cope with the manual processing of data from scanned invoices. To optimize the process of data maintenance, our developers have implemented and debugged parsing of the scanned invoices by using Azure form Recognition. As a result, this feature has led to a significant increase in productivity and has reduced mistakes.

Integration of Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Web API

During long-term cooperation with one of our clients, the previous CRM had received several remarks regarding the correct data transmission with the system called Teenk. Therefore, we implemented a unified CRM connector as a solution to the problem. A unified CRM connector enables the effortless transmission of data from CRM to Teenk. It can be adopted and connects CRM to any other software. Moreover, its convenience, flexibility, and up-to-date interface minimize the efforts of the initial setting and simplify further modification.

Two-side synchronization Jira and DevOps

In some cases, the work process might require the synchronization of several initially incompatible systems. At our client’s request, we implemented the two-side synchronization of Jira and DevOps. This feature consists of a JIRA plugin itself and a web service that performs data mapping between two systems. The accurate setting of the plugin, JIRA project, and workflow in DevOps is the base of the successful implementation.

The result we have obtained – complete two-side synchronization of our JIRA with the client’s DevOps. Thus, both parties have access to:

  • create issues of any configuration field
  • add attachments to the tasks
  • edit description
  • add comments
  • change sprints
  • move tasks in the dashboard by changing statuses
  • scan commits of codes in DevOps

We hope that you have reached the same inspiration as we have. If you have any related questions or want to find out more, please contact us.