Integration of Microsoft Teams with Dynamics 365

In this article we explain how to make a friendly and shared workspace by integrating Dynamics 365 with Microsoft Teams.

Messengers have become a built-in element of the work process and simplified it a lot. Most Microsoft adherers prefer Teams as this communication hub, alongside its chat and collaboration features, helps to easily find, read, and update records. Microsoft Teams is a part of the Office 365 group, and it is a legacy of Skype for business with a bigger set of features. It can also be used on your Desktop or Tablet.



Main Functionality of Microsoft Teams

  • group/direct chatting
  • voice/video calls
  • file management with collaboration on files
  • integrations with various applications


We will offer you several ways how you can integrate Microsoft Teams with your Dynamics 365. The list of possible ways to do that is rather long, we plan to post several related articles.

Let’s start with the basic collaborations of Teams and Dynamics 365.

The key point is to see views in entries directly on Teams while communicating with somebody.

Open a team channel - select the Add button (Add button) - select Dynamics 365 icon to pin a model-driven app record to a channel. You will see Environment and App settings (you can change it if needed).

Select Entity Selection or View Selection:

View Selection

Select an entity to see the list of active views that are available for the entity in the model-driven app, and then select Save.

Once you complete the steps above, you‘ll see the model-driven app entity view in the newly added tab. Also, a post with a link to the new tab will be created by default. You can use this view the same way as in Dynamics 365. Open entity record and make some changes to fields, etc.

Entity Selection

Search for an entity to connect. You can pick a recently viewed record or use a search to find records. Try Filter to narrow the search to an entity type.


The team owner can add other members who either own the record or have the record shared with them. Select save, and you will see a notification of a successful connection, and the model-driven app record will get loaded in the newly added tab. The link to the separate record tab will be posted as well.


Create a connection with Teams in Dynamics 365Pick an Account record, click on Collaborate button, select the right Team, pick the right channel (or create a new one right from here), add the members for this record (or click Select All), hit Finish, and wait for the connection. A newly connected record in your Teams channel will appear.


Now you can see views and entries directly in Teams! In our next article, we will talk about other additional features.

Stay tuned, and do not forget to contact us with any questions.