We All Feel the Pain When Hearing This 'B-Word' — BUG!

In this article, we will talk about Dynamics 365 system bugs. UDS team has accepted the fact that the phenomenon of the bug is impossible to avoid. The implementation of one element on the north side of the system usually necessitates the bug to occur on the south side. The practice shows that the path to perfection might turn into a syndrome rather than a goal.

Breathe out and accept this rule of IT life. Meanwhile, we have smoothed the bumps and designed a new add-on — UDS Bug Handler. This add-on jumps over the labyrinth of branches, tasks, bugs, and second-hand communication. The establishment of clear communication between the user and the developer/consultant is a concept.

You can download the UDS Bug Handler on our UDS Portal and install it into your Dynamics 365 (using the installation guide).

Yet, if any questions arise — be sure to contact us.

What is UDS Bug Handler?

This UDS add-on has a simplified and comprehensive interface. We staffed it with the functionality essential for two-vector 'user-developer/developer-user communication. Not being overloaded is a plus, we believe.

After download and installation, UDS Bug Handler gets implemented as a Send Bug Request button that appears in the ribbon accordingly. The user who faces the bug needs to click on this button right from the problem spot. Adhere to the add-on's settings — the system will generate a notification about a case of bug detection. Everyone related will receive an email, consequently. This notification pushes to handle the bug in terms of the priority, status, time term, and developer's availability.

What Does the User Have?

  • Users who detect a bug can leave a detailed and comprehensive message for the developer in a Comment section. Make sure the message has an essence. Do not be wordy!
  • In case the words are not enough — add screenshots and links. Do not judge anybody by their cognitive abilities, and remember that visual elements always work better.
  • Besides a default notification, the user can always send a direct message to the developer. Say and ask anything, darling.
  • Set the status — it is okay to claim your needs.

What Does the Developer Have?

  • The developer can ask for explanations and pose as many questions as required. The comment section is all about that. Be nerdy!
  • We consider the developer's time, either. If you see the bug and yet, more urgent tasks are on the way, change the status and give your estimations.

Above all that, UDS Bug Handler is a perfect tool for bug management. Your bug hunting will stop causing headaches, we promise. These promises are easy to prove — download the Dynamics 365 add-on, and watch the process improvement happening.

The first one: the UDS Bug Handler add-on will help to fix all Dynamics 365 system bugs two times faster than usual.

The second one: the UDS Bug Handler add-on will encourage warmer relations between your team members. Of course, to the level that the employees themselves will be capable of. There will be no barrier that is used to separate them.

The third one: the UDS Bug Handler add-on will make the lives of your friends who also use Dynamics 365 easier. This is if you decide to tell your friends about us. Thus, we will all together fix a global bug called "misunderstanding."

Learn more about the UDS Bug Handler here.